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FB Alpha – Emulador de multiarcade para Windows

Enviado por admin | Archivado en Emulacion

FB Alpha emulador multiarcade para Windows a sido actualizado para bajarlo y saber mas de el visita su web.


Mejorias en esta version:

* Tidied source to compile cleanly with GCC 3.4.5, GCC 4.3.3 and the latest Microsoft SDKs [Barry]
* Wrote compile guides for the above which are available on my website [Barry]
* Replaced the readme.txt with a detailed Windows help file [Barry]
* Replaced the whatsnew.txt with a HTML document and added a link to it from the help menu [Barry]
* Updated libpng to the current version (1.2.35) [Barry]
* Made a new higher quality icon, with support for the nice big vista icon [Barry]
* Ported MAME's Konami CPU core [iq_132]
* Fixed an issue with the M6809 interface [iq_132]
* Fixed Konami core to compile with VC [Barry]
* Added Signed Write support to the DAC core [Barry]
* Added control over the volume of the DAC core [Barry]
* Added option to control whether the DAC core adds to the current buffer or not [Barry]
* Big update to the Megadrive driver [Barry]
o Greatly improved timing
+ Changed the YM2612 to use the 68000 for timing since the Z80 can be disabled
+ Properly supported PAL
+ Updated the reset routine to support switching between regions
o Changed to MAME's Z80 core - it works much better
o Basic SRAM support
o Added support for most games that require special init functions
o General tidy-up and many small fixes
o Most games now work - testing is under way to enable games that are working (see my site for details on how you can help this effort)
o Updated to the latest driver generated from the database
* Added driver for 1943 [Barry]
* Added driver for F1 Grand Prix [iq_132]
* Added driver for games on Fuuki FG-3 hardware [iq_132]
* Added driver for Gyrus [iq_132]
* Added driver for Haunted Castle [iq_132]
* Added driver for Lethal Crash Race [iq_132]
* Added driver for Vigilante and games on similar hardware [Barry]
* Added clone of Chase HQ to the Taito Z driver [Barry]
* Added clone of Mighty Pang to the CPS-2 driver [Barry]
* Added clone of Night Warriors to the CPS-2 driver [Barry]
* Added clone of Operation Wolf to the Taito Misc driver [Barry]
* Added support for the Neo-Geo Deck BIOS [Barry]
* Made the Neo-Geo BIOS select more intuitive [Barry]
* Improved the PGM driver, see changes.txt in the PGM folder for full details [iq_132]
* Simulated the protection in Oriental Legends Special/Super making it playable [XingXing]
* Fixed background colours and added savestates to 1943 [iq_132]
* Fixed an issue with some sprites in World Cup '90 [Barry]
* Fixed text layer in Metal Slug 4 Plus [kenshiro]
* Added XAudio2 Sound plugin, partially based on FBA Shuffle [Barry]
* Fixed an issue with the Neo-Geo driver flags, fixing Memory Cards and Button Macros [Barry]
* Added the full range of button combinations to the Neo-Geo macros [Barry]
* Added macro support for the PGM driver [Barry]
* Changed the parent filters in the selection dialog to behave in the expected way [Barry]
* Fixed MAWS links [Barry]
* Moved the FPS display in the DirectX 9 blitter to the top right [FBAShuffle]
* Matched all sets to MAME 0.131 [Barry]

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