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Noticias de Atari Lynx

Informacion de 661 consolas portatiles

Enviado por Max | Archivado en Noticias

Existe una pagina en la red llamada Handhelden.com que tiene informacion de las las 661 consolas portátiles fabricadas entre el año 70 y el 89, la página recopila la información sobre todas aquellas consolas con las que seguro que hemos jugado más de una vez. Se clasifican por el tipo de pantalla que utilizan y entre ellas las hay de las más famosas marcas que todos conocemos, como Bandai, V-Tech, Nintendo, Atari o Mattel.

Para los que tenian una consola y ni idea de donde la habian sacado sus papas o para aquellos que les llama la atencion la evolucion de las consolas o para aquellos que simplemente quieran pasar el rato los dejo con la web:



[Mednafen 0.6.2] Emulador Multisitema

Enviado por Fenix | Archivado en Emulacion, Noticias

Este emulador de emulador multisistema (Atari Lynx, GameBoy, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, NES, PC Engine y SuperGrafx) para Linux, Windows y MAC a sido actualizado a la version Mednafen 0.6.1 para bajarlo y saber mas de el visita su web.


Mejorias en esta version:

- PCE: Physical CDROM device names will no longer be printed on Mac OS/X on startup, due to the code crashing badly(rather than goodly!).

- OpenGL texture heights are now rounded up to the nearest power of 2(texture widths already had this rounding in previous versions), which should fix special scalers on video output devices that don't support non-power-of-2 textures(IE most video cards and Mac boxen).

- PCE: The libcdio sector reading functions are now checked for return values < 0 as errors, rather than != 0, to fix problems under Linux and possibly many other OSes where the return value is something like 2048(the number of bytes read, presumably). - PCE: Fixed a bug with disassembling block memory transfer instructions on < 64-bit systems(I had forgot to type-cast a variable to uint64 before left-shifting it past 32-bits). - PCE: Added the implied form of INC to the disassembler. - NES: Removed the PRG mask constraint for UNROM/mapper 2, introduced in version 0.2.0, to fix the Japanese "Maniac Mansion" and possibly other games. - PCE: Fixed debugger write breakpoints. The code had a logical error in it, with the end effect of preventing stack writes in the IRQ sequence, causing games to crash.

[Pale 8.12] Emulador de la consola Atari Lynx para Windows y Linux

Enviado por Fenix | Archivado en Emulacion, Noticias


Pale 8.12 es un emulador de la consola Atari Lynx para Windows y Linux(con el Wine) su autor a sacado una nueva version para bajarlo y saber sus novedades visita su web:


[Mednafen 0.6.1] Emulador Multisitema

Enviado por Fenix | Archivado en Emulacion, Noticias

Este emulador de emulador multisistema (Atari Lynx, GameBoy, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, NES, PC Engine y SuperGrafx) para Linux, Windows y MAC a sido actualizado a la version Mednafen 0.6.1 para bajarlo y saber mas de el visita su web.


Mejorias en esta version:

PCE: The HuC6280 disassembler now gives @ZP hints for BBR and BBS instructions.

NES: Increased the effectiveness of frame-skipping.

Removed unnecessary sound buffer copying if the source format == device format in SexyAL, which is true most of the time.

Fixed a bug that was causing a crash in the cheat interface when trying to list cheats, under Win32.

Fixed a bug in the settings loading code that forced the user to resort to manual creation of ~/.mednafen/mednafen.cfg on
some operating systems(*BSD, OS/X).
It was being caused by 'errno' being modified between the attempt to open the settings file, and the test 'if(errno == ENOENT)'.

Silent sound will now be outputted when in step mode in the debugger. Windows users' ears rejoice!

Added a strtod() replacement that recognizes both "." and "," as valid radix characters, regardless of the current
locale, and modified settings.cpp to use it.

Lynx: Removed some unused code.

[Mednafen 0.6.0] Emulador Multisitema

Enviado por Fenix | Archivado en Emulacion, Noticias

Este emulador de emulador multisistema (Atari Lynx, GameBoy, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, NES, PC Engine y SuperGrafx) para Linux, Windows y MAC a sido actualizado para bajarlo y saber mas de el visita su web.


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